Abstract—Providing a suitable key establishment protocol in wireless sensor networks is challenging due to all the characteristics of these networks, such as limitations of power, computation capability and storage resources. This paper presents a novel key agreement protocol for wireless sensor networks. By applying the ID-based technique, a sensor node and a security manager can achieve key exchange and fast authentication. In this protocol the expensive operations are removed from sensor node side and a sensor node needs not to transmit its implicit certificate, so it reduces the energy cost of sensor nodes. We prove the security of our protocol in the random oracle model.
Index Terms—key agreement, wireless sensor network, bilinear map, modified bilinear inverse Diffe-Hellman problem
Cite: Zhang Li-Ping and Wang Yi, "An ID-Based Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks," Journal of Communications, vol. 5, no. 8, pp.620-626, 2010. Doi: 10.4304/jcm.5.8.620-626