Abstract—Data transmission even at moderate data rates through ionospheric channels is subject to impairments from severe linear distortion, fast channel time variations, dynamic propagation effects and severe fading. The overall system performance strongly depends on the effective allocation of system resources. The adequacy of the effective allocation of system resources can only be derived through accurate and efficient Channel State Information (CSI). Thus, there is a clear need for accurate, efficient techniques to Estimate CSI between pairs of High Frequency links. Performance analysis of Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) based High Frequency (HF) channel estimation invoking Particle Filtering (PF) is presented in this paper. The significant feature of this analysis is its ability to treat Non-Gaussian noise of the HF channel. The simulation results confirm the superior performance of the PF techniques over the Recursive Least Square (RLS) in the estimation of CSI even under low SNR scenario with affordable computational complexities. Comparative performance results of various MIMO configuration such as 2x2, 4x4 relative to Single Input Single Output (SISO) have also been discussed. The results of the proposed analysis reaffirm the superiority of the PF technique over RLS in estimating the CSI even under non-Gaussian and low SNR scenario.
Index Terms—MIMO System, Channel Estimation, HF Communication System.
Cite: Govind R Kadambi , Kumaresh Krishnan and B.R.Karthikeyan , "HF Channel Estimation for MIMO Systems based on Particle Filter Technique," Journal of Communications, vol. 5, no.9, pp.674-683, 2010. Doi: 10.4304/jcm.5.9.674-683