Abstract— Recently, Femtocell has been deployed as a part of Long Term Evolution (LTE) for indoor coverage extension. Heterogeneous networks in which femto and pico-cells are overlaid onto macro-cells are extensively discussed. In order to maintain reliable service of macro-cells, it is important to mitigate destructive femto-femto (co-channel) and femto-macro (adjacent or cross channel) cell interferences respectively. This paper presents the performance analysis of two novel schemes in order to mitigate interference issues in femto-cells. The significant advantage of the proposed femto cooperative (Fe-COPE) scheme is to mitigate co-channel interference that needs no back-haul connection. However, the another proposed Femto Adjacent (FE-ADJ) scheme helps to mitigate adjacent-channel interference and works with coordination of femto and macro base stations by using wired back-haul. The performance is analyzed over independent and identical (i:i:d) Rayleigh and Rician-K fading environments. The closed form expressions for the moment generating function (MGF) of the received signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) are derived in order to evaluate the average symbol error rate (SER) analysis and then compute the bit error rate (BER) expressions under the M-QAM modulation scheme. Our simulation demonstrates considerable improvement in the curves of BER as a function of SNR. Monte-Carlo simulations are conducted to verify the correctness of the analytical expressions that are derived for the two proposed schemes. Keywords– Femto Cooperative (Fe-COPE), Femto Adjacent (Fe-ADJ), Bit Error Rate (BER), Probability Distribution Function (pdf), Interference, and Moment Generating Function (MGF). Cite: Zuhaib Ashfaq Khan, Nandana Rajatheva, and Juinn-Horng Deng, "Performance Analysis of Novel Interference Mitigation Schemes in Heterogeneous Networks over Rayleigh and Rician Fading Channels," Journal of Communications, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 359-371, 2013. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.8.6.359-371